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Contents • • • • • Episode list [ ] Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! [ ] The first season, Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting!, is 76 episodes and covers Chapters 1-268 of the original manga (Volume 1 to Volume 30). The first season was then followed by the film Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road and later the Mashiba vs. Kimura which collectively cover Volumes 31 to 35.
Round Episode Name Original air date 1 'The First Step' October 3, 2000 ( 2000-10-03) Ippo Makunouchi is a shy young man who works with his mother, Hiroko on their fishing boat business while he attends school, so he has no time to hang out with friends. One day, as Ippo is walking home, he is approached by Masahiko Umezawa and two other bullies. They start beating him up and make fun of him and his mother. Suddenly, a jogger walks by and scares the bullies away. Ippo loses consciousness so the jogger takes him to the boxing gym where he works out in and heals his injuries. When he wakes up, Ippo is amazed by all the boxers working out.
The jogger then test tries to get Ippo to punch a punching bag with the bully's face drawn on it. Even though his hand gets bruised, the jogger notices Ippo has a very strong punch. He gives him some world championship boxing tapes to look over and sends him home. Inspired by the tapes, Ippo seeks out the jogger, Mamoru Takamura, who is a middle-weight professional boxer, and begs him to train him in order to fulfill his dream of becoming a professional boxer. To test him, Takamura kicks a tree and catches many leaves in his hand, using his lightning-fast jabs.
He tells Ippo that if he can do the same, he will train him. 2 'Fruits of Labor' Transcription: ' Doryoku no seika (Results of Great Effort)' (: 努力の成果) October 10, 2000 ( 2000-10-10) Ippo's goal was to catch 10 leaves, with only a week to do so. While balancing school and work, Ippo also practiced his jabs. Finally, he figured out not only to increase the speed of his jabs, but also caught all 10 leaves in his left hand. Impressed, Takamura then assigns Ippo to work out his muscles, body and running speed for one month. Once done, Takamura takes Ippo back to the gym to test out his skills.
His first test was to spar with a rookie the same age as Ippo, Ichiro Miyata. 3 'Tears of Joy' Transcription: ' Ureshi namida (Happy Tears)' (: うれし涙) October 17, 2000 ( 2000-10-17) At first, it seems that Ippo could not keep up with Miyata, given the fact that the latter is more experienced. Installing mac os x lion on dell xps l502x 10. Ippo keeps taking hit after hit and gets knocked down twice. After receiving some advice from Takamura, Ippo keeps getting back up to fight.
To everyone's surprise, Ippo keeps absorbing Miyata's punches. Suddenly, Miyata hits Ippo's chin, causing his brain to move back and forth. However, Ippo was able to keep up with Miyata's movements, but unfortunately lost to Miyata's superior skills. However, the owner of the gym, Genji Kamogawa, was impressed by Ippo's determination and decides to train him every day in the gym. 4 'Shadow Boxing' Transcription: ' Shadō bokushingu (Shadow Boxing)' (: シャドーボクシング) October 24, 2000 ( 2000-10-24) Ippo finally begins his training in the gym. First, Kamogawa himself, helps Ippo to focus on his jabs and the one-two technique. After getting the hang of it, Kamogawa instructs Ippo to practice shadow boxing.
Though some patrons in the gym show him how to do it, Ippo tries again and again. However, as he watches Miyata sparring, he starts to finally understand how to shadow box. Takamura and Kamogawa realize what a great talent Ippo has, but Miyata feels jealousy towards him. 5 '3 Months to Counter' (: カウンターへの3ヶ月) October 31, 2000 ( 2000-10-31) Ippo begins training with coach Kamogawa for about three months in order to prepare for a rematch with Miyata. During that time, he begins working on more techniques. Also, he learns more about Miyata's father, who was a former professional boxer who believes in skill surpassing power.
However, in his final match, he lost and realised that that power surpasses skill. Since then, Miyata is trying to prove that his father's way of boxing is correct. After more training, Ippo is finally ready for his rematch with Miyata. 6 'The Opening Bell of the Rematch' Transcription: ' Saisen no gongu (Gong of the Rematch)' (: 再戦のゴング) November 7, 2000 ( 2000-11-07) A representative from a boxing magazine comes to Kamogawa's Gym on the same day Ippo and Miyata have their rematch.
With Takamura as referee, the rematch begins. Both fighters begin their four-round match, each displaying their progress during the last three months. Each one knocking each other once, taking their audience's breath away. 7 'The Destructive Force of 1 cm' Transcription: ' 1 cm no hakairyoku (Destructive Power of 1cm)' (: 1cmの破壊力) November 14, 2000 ( 2000-11-14) Ippo and Miyata's match continue. After Ippo gets knocked down, he struggles to get back up.
His first test was to spar with a rookie the same age as Ippo, Ichiro Miyata. 3 'Tears of Joy' Transcription: ' Ureshi namida (Happy Tears)' (: うれし涙) October 17, 2000 ( 2000-10-17) At first, it seems that Ippo could not keep up with Miyata, given the fact that the latter is more experienced. Installing mac os x lion on dell xps l502x 10. Ippo keeps taking hit after hit and gets knocked down twice. After receiving some advice from Takamura, Ippo keeps getting back up to fight.
To everyone's surprise, Ippo keeps absorbing Miyata's punches. Suddenly, Miyata hits Ippo's chin, causing his brain to move back and forth. However, Ippo was able to keep up with Miyata's movements, but unfortunately lost to Miyata's superior skills. However, the owner of the gym, Genji Kamogawa, was impressed by Ippo's determination and decides to train him every day in the gym. 4 'Shadow Boxing' Transcription: ' Shadō bokushingu (Shadow Boxing)' (: シャドーボクシング) October 24, 2000 ( 2000-10-24) Ippo finally begins his training in the gym. First, Kamogawa himself, helps Ippo to focus on his jabs and the one-two technique. After getting the hang of it, Kamogawa instructs Ippo to practice shadow boxing.
Though some patrons in the gym show him how to do it, Ippo tries again and again. However, as he watches Miyata sparring, he starts to finally understand how to shadow box. Takamura and Kamogawa realize what a great talent Ippo has, but Miyata feels jealousy towards him. 5 '3 Months to Counter' (: カウンターへの3ヶ月) October 31, 2000 ( 2000-10-31) Ippo begins training with coach Kamogawa for about three months in order to prepare for a rematch with Miyata. During that time, he begins working on more techniques. Also, he learns more about Miyata's father, who was a former professional boxer who believes in skill surpassing power.
However, in his final match, he lost and realised that that power surpasses skill. Since then, Miyata is trying to prove that his father's way of boxing is correct. After more training, Ippo is finally ready for his rematch with Miyata. 6 'The Opening Bell of the Rematch' Transcription: ' Saisen no gongu (Gong of the Rematch)' (: 再戦のゴング) November 7, 2000 ( 2000-11-07) A representative from a boxing magazine comes to Kamogawa's Gym on the same day Ippo and Miyata have their rematch.
With Takamura as referee, the rematch begins. Both fighters begin their four-round match, each displaying their progress during the last three months. Each one knocking each other once, taking their audience's breath away. 7 'The Destructive Force of 1 cm' Transcription: ' 1 cm no hakairyoku (Destructive Power of 1cm)' (: 1cmの破壊力) November 14, 2000 ( 2000-11-14) Ippo and Miyata's match continue. After Ippo gets knocked down, he struggles to get back up.
...">Hajime No Ippo Season 3 Episode 1 Download(24.03.2019)His first test was to spar with a rookie the same age as Ippo, Ichiro Miyata. 3 'Tears of Joy' Transcription: ' Ureshi namida (Happy Tears)' (: うれし涙) October 17, 2000 ( 2000-10-17) At first, it seems that Ippo could not keep up with Miyata, given the fact that the latter is more experienced. Installing mac os x lion on dell xps l502x 10. Ippo keeps taking hit after hit and gets knocked down twice. After receiving some advice from Takamura, Ippo keeps getting back up to fight.
To everyone's surprise, Ippo keeps absorbing Miyata's punches. Suddenly, Miyata hits Ippo's chin, causing his brain to move back and forth. However, Ippo was able to keep up with Miyata's movements, but unfortunately lost to Miyata's superior skills. However, the owner of the gym, Genji Kamogawa, was impressed by Ippo's determination and decides to train him every day in the gym. 4 'Shadow Boxing' Transcription: ' Shadō bokushingu (Shadow Boxing)' (: シャドーボクシング) October 24, 2000 ( 2000-10-24) Ippo finally begins his training in the gym. First, Kamogawa himself, helps Ippo to focus on his jabs and the one-two technique. After getting the hang of it, Kamogawa instructs Ippo to practice shadow boxing.
Though some patrons in the gym show him how to do it, Ippo tries again and again. However, as he watches Miyata sparring, he starts to finally understand how to shadow box. Takamura and Kamogawa realize what a great talent Ippo has, but Miyata feels jealousy towards him. 5 '3 Months to Counter' (: カウンターへの3ヶ月) October 31, 2000 ( 2000-10-31) Ippo begins training with coach Kamogawa for about three months in order to prepare for a rematch with Miyata. During that time, he begins working on more techniques. Also, he learns more about Miyata's father, who was a former professional boxer who believes in skill surpassing power.
However, in his final match, he lost and realised that that power surpasses skill. Since then, Miyata is trying to prove that his father's way of boxing is correct. After more training, Ippo is finally ready for his rematch with Miyata. 6 'The Opening Bell of the Rematch' Transcription: ' Saisen no gongu (Gong of the Rematch)' (: 再戦のゴング) November 7, 2000 ( 2000-11-07) A representative from a boxing magazine comes to Kamogawa's Gym on the same day Ippo and Miyata have their rematch.
With Takamura as referee, the rematch begins. Both fighters begin their four-round match, each displaying their progress during the last three months. Each one knocking each other once, taking their audience's breath away. 7 'The Destructive Force of 1 cm' Transcription: ' 1 cm no hakairyoku (Destructive Power of 1cm)' (: 1cmの破壊力) November 14, 2000 ( 2000-11-14) Ippo and Miyata's match continue. After Ippo gets knocked down, he struggles to get back up.
...">Hajime No Ippo Season 3 Episode 1 Download(24.03.2019)