How Many Nascar Drivers Have Private Jets Rating: 5,0/5 2257 votes

Two primary principles contribute to the creation of lift, which iswhat makes flight possible. Those two principles are Bernoulli'sPrinciple and Newton's Third Law. Let's break it down and look ateach principle individually.

Feb 27, 2014 - Hendrick began his NASCAR team in 1984 and it currently includes several of the top drivers in the Sprint Cup series, including six-time series champion Jimmie Johnson, four-time series champ Jeff Gordon, 2014 Daytona 500 winner Dale Earnhardt Jr. And Casey Kahne.

Bernoulli's Principle By definition, Bernoulli's Principle states: or an inviscid flow, an increase in the speed of the fluidoccurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure. From a practical standpoint, this basically means that as a fluid(air, water, etc) moves faster, it's internal pressure decreases. But how does this help an airplane create lift?

Well, let's think about this. Picture an airplane's wing - but cutin half so we can see the shape of it (referred to as an airfoil ). The top of the wing is more curved than that ofthe bottom of the wing. The reasoning behind this is that theincreased curvature on top of the wing will take advantage ofsomething called magnus effect. Magnus effect? What the heck is that?

How many nascar drivers have private jets today

Well - before we continuelet's define magnus effect in a nutshell. I'll do this through anexample. Close your eyes and envision a baseball game. How does thepitcher get the ball to move in a desired direction?

He or she cancurve the direction of the ball's flight left, right, down, or evenup if desired. Well, magnus effect states that a rotating ball or cylinder movingthrough a fluid (air, water, etc) will create faster moving fluidin the direction of rotation, thus lowering pressure and 'pulling'the ball or cylinder in that direction.

Plan raboti po osuschestvleniyu proizvodstvennogo kontrolya na opo obrazec This force is not createdwhen the object is stationary, which is why a baseball pitcher putsa 'spin' on the ball when he or she wants a curveball. Phew - okay, so back to our discussion on the wing. So we know thetop of the wing is more curved than the bottom. But how does thathave anything to do with magnus effect?

Basically, the shaping ofthe wing 'fools' the air around it into thinking it is a longrotation cylinder, and forces the air to travel faster over the topof the wing than that of the bottom. And according to Bernoulli'sPrinciple, faster moving air = lower pressure. If we have lowerpressure on top of the wing than we do on the bottom of the wing,we now have an inequality of pressures acting on the wing. There ismore pressure pushing up on the bottom of the wing than there is onthe top pushing down, which means we now have a total net forcepushing UP.

We have LIFT. With real airplanes and airplane models, Bernoulli's Principle(related to the curvature of the wing) and the magnus effect havevery little to do with 'flying'. If what the author says were true- real airplanes could not fly upside down. But if you have everseen an air show -- you know real, powered planes regularly flyupside down in air shows. Almost all of the lift created on the underside of a wing iscreated as (A) the underside of the wing is blasted by the airrushing past the wing -- because the airplane engine is pulling theairplane very fast through the air and (B) the plane's geometricalconfiguration is holding the wing at an angle such that the frontedge of the wing is a little higher in the direction of flight thanthe back edge of the wing. A & B, together mean the airpressure on the bottom of the wing is higher than the pressure onthe top of the wing. Thus the wing is forced upward.


Two primary principles contribute to the creation of lift, which iswhat makes flight possible. Those two principles are Bernoulli'sPrinciple and Newton's Third Law. Let's break it down and look ateach principle individually.

Feb 27, 2014 - Hendrick began his NASCAR team in 1984 and it currently includes several of the top drivers in the Sprint Cup series, including six-time series champion Jimmie Johnson, four-time series champ Jeff Gordon, 2014 Daytona 500 winner Dale Earnhardt Jr. And Casey Kahne.

Bernoulli's Principle By definition, Bernoulli's Principle states: or an inviscid flow, an increase in the speed of the fluidoccurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure. From a practical standpoint, this basically means that as a fluid(air, water, etc) moves faster, it's internal pressure decreases. But how does this help an airplane create lift?

Well, let's think about this. Picture an airplane's wing - but cutin half so we can see the shape of it (referred to as an airfoil ). The top of the wing is more curved than that ofthe bottom of the wing. The reasoning behind this is that theincreased curvature on top of the wing will take advantage ofsomething called magnus effect. Magnus effect? What the heck is that?

How many nascar drivers have private jets today

Well - before we continuelet's define magnus effect in a nutshell. I'll do this through anexample. Close your eyes and envision a baseball game. How does thepitcher get the ball to move in a desired direction?

He or she cancurve the direction of the ball's flight left, right, down, or evenup if desired. Well, magnus effect states that a rotating ball or cylinder movingthrough a fluid (air, water, etc) will create faster moving fluidin the direction of rotation, thus lowering pressure and 'pulling'the ball or cylinder in that direction.

Plan raboti po osuschestvleniyu proizvodstvennogo kontrolya na opo obrazec This force is not createdwhen the object is stationary, which is why a baseball pitcher putsa 'spin' on the ball when he or she wants a curveball. Phew - okay, so back to our discussion on the wing. So we know thetop of the wing is more curved than the bottom. But how does thathave anything to do with magnus effect?

Basically, the shaping ofthe wing 'fools' the air around it into thinking it is a longrotation cylinder, and forces the air to travel faster over the topof the wing than that of the bottom. And according to Bernoulli'sPrinciple, faster moving air = lower pressure. If we have lowerpressure on top of the wing than we do on the bottom of the wing,we now have an inequality of pressures acting on the wing. There ismore pressure pushing up on the bottom of the wing than there is onthe top pushing down, which means we now have a total net forcepushing UP.

We have LIFT. With real airplanes and airplane models, Bernoulli's Principle(related to the curvature of the wing) and the magnus effect havevery little to do with 'flying'. If what the author says were true- real airplanes could not fly upside down. But if you have everseen an air show -- you know real, powered planes regularly flyupside down in air shows. Almost all of the lift created on the underside of a wing iscreated as (A) the underside of the wing is blasted by the airrushing past the wing -- because the airplane engine is pulling theairplane very fast through the air and (B) the plane's geometricalconfiguration is holding the wing at an angle such that the frontedge of the wing is a little higher in the direction of flight thanthe back edge of the wing. A & B, together mean the airpressure on the bottom of the wing is higher than the pressure onthe top of the wing. Thus the wing is forced upward.

...">How Many Nascar Drivers Have Private Jets(30.11.2018)
  • How Many Nascar Drivers Have Private Jets Rating: 5,0/5 2257 votes
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    Two primary principles contribute to the creation of lift, which iswhat makes flight possible. Those two principles are Bernoulli'sPrinciple and Newton's Third Law. Let's break it down and look ateach principle individually.

    Feb 27, 2014 - Hendrick began his NASCAR team in 1984 and it currently includes several of the top drivers in the Sprint Cup series, including six-time series champion Jimmie Johnson, four-time series champ Jeff Gordon, 2014 Daytona 500 winner Dale Earnhardt Jr. And Casey Kahne.

    Bernoulli's Principle By definition, Bernoulli's Principle states: or an inviscid flow, an increase in the speed of the fluidoccurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure. From a practical standpoint, this basically means that as a fluid(air, water, etc) moves faster, it's internal pressure decreases. But how does this help an airplane create lift?

    Well, let's think about this. Picture an airplane's wing - but cutin half so we can see the shape of it (referred to as an airfoil ). The top of the wing is more curved than that ofthe bottom of the wing. The reasoning behind this is that theincreased curvature on top of the wing will take advantage ofsomething called magnus effect. Magnus effect? What the heck is that?

    How many nascar drivers have private jets today

    Well - before we continuelet's define magnus effect in a nutshell. I'll do this through anexample. Close your eyes and envision a baseball game. How does thepitcher get the ball to move in a desired direction?

    He or she cancurve the direction of the ball's flight left, right, down, or evenup if desired. Well, magnus effect states that a rotating ball or cylinder movingthrough a fluid (air, water, etc) will create faster moving fluidin the direction of rotation, thus lowering pressure and 'pulling'the ball or cylinder in that direction.

    Plan raboti po osuschestvleniyu proizvodstvennogo kontrolya na opo obrazec This force is not createdwhen the object is stationary, which is why a baseball pitcher putsa 'spin' on the ball when he or she wants a curveball. Phew - okay, so back to our discussion on the wing. So we know thetop of the wing is more curved than the bottom. But how does thathave anything to do with magnus effect?

    Basically, the shaping ofthe wing 'fools' the air around it into thinking it is a longrotation cylinder, and forces the air to travel faster over the topof the wing than that of the bottom. And according to Bernoulli'sPrinciple, faster moving air = lower pressure. If we have lowerpressure on top of the wing than we do on the bottom of the wing,we now have an inequality of pressures acting on the wing. There ismore pressure pushing up on the bottom of the wing than there is onthe top pushing down, which means we now have a total net forcepushing UP.

    We have LIFT. With real airplanes and airplane models, Bernoulli's Principle(related to the curvature of the wing) and the magnus effect havevery little to do with 'flying'. If what the author says were true- real airplanes could not fly upside down. But if you have everseen an air show -- you know real, powered planes regularly flyupside down in air shows. Almost all of the lift created on the underside of a wing iscreated as (A) the underside of the wing is blasted by the airrushing past the wing -- because the airplane engine is pulling theairplane very fast through the air and (B) the plane's geometricalconfiguration is holding the wing at an angle such that the frontedge of the wing is a little higher in the direction of flight thanthe back edge of the wing. A & B, together mean the airpressure on the bottom of the wing is higher than the pressure onthe top of the wing. Thus the wing is forced upward.

    ...">How Many Nascar Drivers Have Private Jets(30.11.2018)